27.5. 2022

book celebrities: Riina Peltonen’s Witches, Skulls, Water Spirits

Time: Thursday, 27.5.202117:00 – 19:00 / Makers’ GalleryHevetuloa Riina Peltonen for the publication of The Witches, Skulls, Spirits of Water!
Witches, skulls, water spirits are a magical tour guide to Ostrobothnia. Its mythical landscapes have featured water spirits, moors, mountain trolls and virvatula. The guide travels to the witches’ mountain, the stone maze and the search for secret tunnels. Among the sites featured in the book are relics, ruins and mythical nature sites. The book was illustrated by Mervi Heikkilä.





Time: Tuesday, 9.2.20219.2.2021&nbsp-&nbsp16:00 – 28.2.2021&nbsp-&nbsp18:00 / Makers’ Gallery Gallery Spring 2021 opens an exhibition featuring marje Viitala’s graphics and Heta Laitakari sculptures. Due to the coronavirus, we will not be organising traditional openings, but the artists will be available on Tuesday 9 February at the finished exhibition for a couple of hours. Come and see me, meet me and get to know each other. The gallery complies with AVI’s restrictions on gatherings of max 10 people and mask recommendations. So come with a mask on your face. The gallery offers masks and hand sanitizer. READ MORE Free24 September Scoops






Time: Thursday, 24.9.202024.9.2020&nbsp-&nbsp17:00 – 18.9.2020&nbsp-&nbsp19:00 / Makers’ GalleryHealthy for the launch of Marko Hautala’s novelty novel The Dark Architect on Friday 18 September Makers’ Gallery. This is a drop-in type event where you can stop by to greet the author and explore the exhibition at your preferred time between 5pm and 7pm. Of course, there is also a novelty book for sale, and at the same time you can get a signature for yourself or the recipient of the gift.
The architect of the dark is a horror story set in an apartment building in Vaasa, where everyday stairwells, washrooms and communal saunas become a scene for eerie phenomena. There is also the history of Finnish architecture and references to Viljo Revell, among others.
Check out the book:
Klo 17.15 and at 18.00 there are short speeches with the same content from Marko Hautala, who tells about the background to the Dark Architect novel, and Pasi Kirkkopello of the Makers’ Gallery, which presents the soon-to-be-departed Pan Jianfeng’s With Hope exhibition.